Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blog Introduction

I have just published my second novel. I want you to buy it. My publicist tells me that I need a blog to boost interest.
I can think of nothing more egotistical than a blog. While I have had many articles published over the years; and have been an often-requested speaker at professional meetings; (and even won amateur night as a stand-up comic back when I enjoyed an adult beverage every now and then); I have trouble believing that Joe Public wants to read my ramblings.
However, I have been solving problems, and leading people, and telling funny stories for 40 years, so maybe there is enough “stuff” I can put into a blog that will attract a following. Understand, if you do start reading my stuff, the end game is for you to buy my books. I don’t make any money if you just read the blog and don’t buy a book. (Go to Amazon, and do an author search for Don Swann.)
So, what should I blog about that would interest you? My target audience is people who will buy my books. The novels are of the genre “business mystery.” I think that is a new genre. The story lines have a young consultant solving business problems that are “mysteries” very similar to the thrillers that Parker, Grisham, Child, and the really great mystery writers create (at least I aspire to their level of capability.) The difference is that my mysteries occur in a business setting. My lead character, Freddie Chapman, runs into problems in the business world that usually spill over into criminal mysteries as well. Along the way, Freddie applies some of the problem-solving techniques I have used in the real world for 40 years.
So, if you are a mystery reader; if you are a management consultant; if you enjoy solving problems; then you are my target audience. I intend for my blog to have material that would appeal to this same audience.
All of that was preamble. Now I am supposed to say something clever and intriguing to hint at what I am intending to ramble about in the blog. I know about 100 cool things, so I will try to describe one per blog. Then, after the 100, I’m done. (Don’t expect me to learn anything new after the 100 – I am old and stubborn.)
OK, this is in Book One (Paying Penance in Pervis):
He recalled the joke about the cowboy in the bar.
A butch-looking woman sat on the barstool next to him and asked “are you a cowboy?”
“Yep” he replied.
“Well, I’m a lesbian. I love women. I love the way they look, I love the way they smell, I love the way they feel. There is nothing I like better than making love to a woman.” Then she got up and left.
Another patron took her place.
“You a cowboy?” he asked.
The cowboy replied, “Well, I always thought so. Turns out I’m a lesbian.”
I probably should offer some deep thoughts here about labeling people. But I just thought it was funny!
I guess the drill here is to see if anyone responds to the blog. If a few folks do respond, then I will put something else on here, probably more useful and thoughtful than a joke.


Anonymous said...

Don ... if you ever run out of stories to tell, you can always ask the first guy you hired in 1983, I'm sure he can remember some ... roadtrips to and from Cleveland, TN ... Fulton & G. Guy ... a Leon Russell concert somewhere up North ... making missiles. You taught me a lot, Don, and I will never forget all those little Don-isms.


Anonymous said...

I have heard about and waited years for your books and they have finally arrived! You always were stubborn, as you pointed out, and did everything you set out to do, including publishing novels. Living in Texas and all I really appeciate your cowboy jokes, so keep them coming. I, too, will never forgot those Don-isms
